Dear Mr. Tom, On behalf of everyone at Cinnamon Grand Colombo let me say a big thank you for giving us the opportunity to host your event. All of us have thoroughly enjoyed working closely with you to make it a grand success. Whist we say Thank you again for your wonderful gifts and feedback do apologize for the certain drawbacks you had to face. However, we promise to rectify these lapses and make your event an even better event next time you decided to return. Stay blessed and a safe journey back home from all of us!

Cinnamon Grand Hotel Colombo, Sri Lanka

Hi Tom. Insha here! So sorry I had to leave today without even saying good bye. Thought I’ll drop you a message. Firstly, really appreciate and admire the amount of time, effort you take with each individual at the conference, much appreciated. Secondly you have done an amazing job at curating and organizing the event. It was really more fun than work. I really had a good time.

Insha Fahim
SFL Tech Limited

Hi all, just landed in VCE👍. Thank you all for the nice time spent together! Thanks to Tom and his fantastic team for the excellent organization! See you in South Africa.

Giovanna Cardinali
Cargo Start

Thank you all. It was a pleasure to meet u all again. Tom thank you for the great conference and again a very good choice of extra activities!!! Next year skydiving?

Martin Tobolski
Redline Spedition & Logistik (GMBH)

Got home to KUL Malaysia safely this morning...had an awesome time making new friends and business...fantastic work by Tom and his team...looking forward to be in touch with everyone and meeting again at the next WLA Conference...Terima kasih 🙏

Paul Adaikalam & Guhan Ravichandran
Triangle Worldwide Malaysia.

As a new member, it was my pleasures to became a part of this family and the opportunity to represent all our companies. All the best to all of you and especially all compliments to Tom and his amazing stuff.

Damjan Mrakič
MERIDIANA Shipping Agency d.o.o. Koper

Thanks Everyone for making these days memorable and hope we all have a good biz among our network partners👍

Deep Chopra
Magnetic Logistics Pvt. Ltd