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Code Of Conduct

WLA PHarmaSE Terms and conditions

Pay Membership fees or any related fees to events or conferences in a timely manner and no later that 30 days following invoice. If not paid in time an automatic credit warning maybe generated. Fees not paid within 2 months may trigger a suspension from the network. A member may leave the network at any time, however the annual membership fee and one-off establishment fee is not-refundable.
Reply to all enquiries made by other network members within 24 hours.
Reply to quotation request within 24 hours and then daily updates till full quotation is completed.
Provide up to date information on your business, including 3 email addresses for contact by members, including min one whats app number or more . Any changes in details should be advised to AGLN as soon as possible. Honour all individual credit agreements with other members.
Pay the receiving agent in the specified currency as per invoice. If this is impossible due to local currency restrictions, then both agents will agree to the amount to be converted so no loss occurs in transfer. Bank fees are payable by the paying agent.
To respect other members exiting customer base and refrain from back-selling.
Share profits according to prior agreement with another member.
Refrain from activities that lead to competition between members within the same market.
Act in ways that encourages relationship building between members.
Operate in accordance with all stated shipping advice.
Participate in WLA PHarmaSE networking events, as much as is possible.
Attend the WLA PHarmaSE conference as a minimum every second year.
1. Display the network logo on your websites and in your business communications.
2. To provide bona fide sales leads to other members when possible.

After your application form has been received, paid and accepted you will be issued with a username and password.
Annual MEMBERSHIP FEES are payable within 30 days of receipt of invoice. If not paid in 60 days an automatic credit warning will be generated.
Fees not paid within 2 months may trigger a suspension from the network.
A member may leave the network at any time, however the annual membership fee and one-off establishment fee is not-refundable.

Complaints Management

Expulsion of members from the network is obviously not desirable and will only occur when all other avenues of arbitration have been explored.
If you have grievance with WLA PHarmaSE or a network member please write to This will be discussed with the member in question or with WLA PHarmaSE management if it relates to a grievance with WLA PHarmaSE .
WLA PHarmaSE will follow up the member within 2 weeks of the complaint being sent and facilitate any mediation that might be required.

This is a confidential process and members are strongly discouraged from making any comments to the broader network during any stage of the grievance process. We aim to not impact on a member’s business until the matter has been resolved. However we are not liable to any loss of business opportunities as a result of a freight forwarder being part of the WLA PHarmaSE network.

International Legal Compliance

Comply with the laws and regulations of the applicable legal systems.

Human Rights and Labor Practices

To ensure respect of all internationally proclaimed human rights by avoiding causation of and complicity in any human rights violations, heightened attention shall be paid to ensuring respect of human rights of specifically vulnerable rights holders or groups of rights holders such as women, children or migrant workers, or of (indigenous) communities.

Prohibition of Child Labor
Employ no workers under the age of 15 or, in those countries subject to the developing country exception of the ILO Convention 138, employ no workers under the age of 14.
Prohibition of Forced Labor
Neither use nor contribute to slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor and human trafficking.
Employ no workers under the age of 18 for hazardous work according to ILO Convention 182.
Non-Discrimination and Respect for Employees
Promote equal opportunities and treatment of employees, irrespective of skin color, race, nationality, ethnicity, political affiliation, social background, disabilities, gender, sexual identity and orientation, marital status, religious conviction, or age.
Refuse to tolerate any unacceptable treatment of individuals such as mental cruelty, sexual harassment or discrimination including gestures, language and physical contact, that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative.
Health & Safety of Employees
Act in accordance with the applicable statutory and international standards regarding occupational health and safety and provide safe working conditions.
Provide training to ensure employees are educated in health & safety issues.
Establish a reasonable occupational health & safety management system.
Working Hours, Wages & Benefits for Employees
Recognize the legal rights of workers to form or join existing trade unions and to engage in collective bargaining; neither disadvantage nor prefer members of employee organizations or trade unions.
Adhere to all applicable working-hours regulations globally.
Establish a reasonable occupational health & safety management system.

WLA PHarmaSE Liability

WLA is not liable for any commercial or financial obligations undertaken by members which default. The network will not be liable or accept responsibility for insurance or commercial claims that are the direct result of the actions of our members. I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions and code of conduct from WLA PHarmaSE, and understand the cost of membership under “Becoming a Member”