Our innovative tiered membership program.
WLA PHarmaSE is a non-exclusive freight forwarders’ network. This means you have a better chance of finding the right fit when partnering.
WLA PHarmaSE has also developed an innovative tiered membership program that recognises the diversity of experience in the industry:

Bronze membership for those that have been trading for 24 or more months as a freight forwarding business.

Platinum membership is for those that keep up their membership with WLA PHarmaSE for 3 years from the date of becoming a Bronze member.

Diamond membership is an Award from the WLA PHarmaSE Network which is based on the great performance of Operations, Payment and Communication.
(Diamond Membership is awarded at the discretion of the WLA PHarmaSE committee and can be reached only after 5 years of Platinum Membership and Excellence performance as above;
If the excellence level is no longer intact/present, then in some stage the Diamond membership can/will be reduced to Platinum level)